
Christine Hunschofsky and Vicki Lopez

A week after the next legislative period in Tallahasee, more than 350 invoices were submitted in the house and the Senate, in which their house, insurance, their taxes, weapons rights and more were involved.

This week Twisf brought everything on two repetitions in South Florida on the front of different sides of the aisle.

MP Christine Hunschofsky is a democrat from Parkland who represents part of the Broward County, and MP Vicki Lopez is a Republican who represents Miami and the surrounding cities.

Both competed in Südflorida Glenna Milberg this week to discuss, and their discussion can be seen on the top of this page.

About the author
Glenna Milberg

Glenna Milberg switched to local 10 news in September 1999 to report on the best stories and community topics in South Florida. It also hosts Local 10's public affairs this week in Südflorida.