
Is it worth seeing this compilation of some of the perfectly time -controlled, smooth moments with cameras in WWE

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In Pro -Wrestling, many things have to go right to achieve the goals of a show. The error rate when it comes to wrestling is razor thin. If you mess up the smallest maneuvers yourself, this could mean the end of your career. The edge when it comes to promo work and things like Cues and entering/leaving the ring is a bit larger.

If you constantly screw it up, you can no longer have a job. If things go properly, it's a great feeling. But there are times when things are really going that they cannot repeat it if they have tried it again. The WWE Youtube Canal has added another video to its WWE playlist series, which this time staged the one-million moves that the wrestler has carried out over the years. This video shows that even the impossible in professional wrestling can happen.

This video shows unlikely moments. Sometimes wrestler are lucky and these clips prove it. I really enjoyed seeing how a swanton bomb is on the stretcher. It is extremely unlikely to land perfectly on an object that can roll away like a stretcher. But Hardy somehow did. If cameras were not there, I don't think many people would believe that it actually happened.

It also showed that Steve Austin threw a beer to the Undertaker, which he caught without any problems. Its hand eye coordination must be very sharp. Both men were very sweaty and tired, but the throw and catch were perfectly done. When things like this happen, it seems as if it could never happen again due to the large error rate when executing the task.

Overall, this was a great video that shows how happy professional wrestlers can be in tasks such as throwing a chair over a steel cage or catching someone's jacket. Things go wrong from ten times. But if the maneuver is carried out perfectly, it may be difficult to believe from Mundwrd.

WWE caught some of these moments on television and showed the world that these things actually happened. When they passed, I was sure that everyone involved was impressed. The wrestlers, the backstage crew and the audience probably had exactly the same reaction. They expected things to go wrong and amazed that they worked.

WWE catches the jaw every week that are moments in front of the camera. But moments like those that are highlighted here are probably the coolest of all.