
I hate hyperboli – the central trend

The last time I claimed to be “freezing”.

Today I learned that some hyperboli floats in the room between a truth and a lie.

For months I have had it in my head that I hate all hyperboli. Lies that they are glorified. This is what you say if you want to make a point dramatically, but the jumping point in the story is not well enough, so you have to beautify it with exaggerations Really Make it worth telling.

Apparently I really thought that I hate fake hyperboli, the ambiguous, those who are not as poetic as they are dramatic.

For me, this waste seems to be.

Because what does it do? mean that you have a million things to do? Whose scale do we measure? A million things – does that mean that you have to complete three tasks? Or do you have 17 in addition to sports practice, sample and tutoring? And A club meeting? There is a difference.

If you tell me that I will freeze, how cold is it really? And are you hungry right now? Is that really the easiest thing you have ever done?

People make great claims.

Admittedly, I guilty as everyone else, I am guilty of using these sentences, but I really tried to stop. These statements are so subjective, so meaningless that it has used a kind of measure?

Sometimes these hyperboli are not even impossible. You could happen, you pass and who should know when you are used seriously? I could freeze to death hypothetically – hypothermia is real. And without eating will starvation. And something – in the trillions of things you did in your life – actually actually Is The easiest thing for everyone.

When I think about hyperboli, in particular underdeveloped attempts to grasp them, I start hate having them.

It is the same for absolute. For words as always and never and perfect and everything and the biggest and worst – and hatred.

Because everyone heard that “hate is a strong word”, and most of them probably asked a teacher: “What does” do “very” Strictly speaking mean? “To justify why we must not use it formally.

I am agreed with this nasty, annoying grammatical care.

If people tell stories, anecdotes or statements and insert them absolute, I took them too literally. If you told me that you hated your sister or that you never expected it to be your class So Difficult, I would probably believe them, at least more than they actually intended.

The way I see it when the language becomes final becomes the truthfulness of the story darker and darker. Now when I listen to someone who describes how he has “always” and “never”, I sometimes nod out with my head and press my empathy for everything they are talking about.

But in my head? I learned to push the absolute aside. To exchange the definitive, human habit, to bring things in boxes, to the extremes, to the Poles and to find the appearance of the truth behind the empty words.

To see that you probably don't do it Love Whichever person, at least not seriously, they are incredibly grateful to them. To recognize that nothing is Absolutely perfectAs much as it may be beautiful at the moment. To understand that nothing is really everything, and that's almost fine.