
Tips for seniors to protect their mental health

The far-reaching effects and range of problems of mental health during the Covid 19 pandemic attracted considerable attention than the virus and the mandates to reduce the spread of fear and isolation. Since then, life for billions of people around the world has been normal again, but many people, including seniors, continue to have problems with mental health.

The Pan American Health Organization reports that at least every fourth older adults have a mental disorder such as depression, anxiety or dementia. And these numbers will probably only grow, since the population estimates will make up a larger percentage of the world population in the coming years.

Seniors who deal with psychological problems may feel helpless, but there is a lot of what they can do to protect their mental health.

Regularly socialize

A study from 2019 published in the Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences showed that older adults who agreed with people about their family and close friends had greater positive moods and less negative feelings. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of older adults reports from others. According to the national survey of the University of Michigan, the age of healthy, which was carried out in January 2023, every third older adult reported a rare contact (once a week or less) with people from outside of his house.

Talk to a psychiatric specialist

One of the more disturbing aspects of the crisis on mental health that affects seniors is that the Paho reports that two thirds of older adults do not receive the needed treatment with psychological health problems. The conversation with a psychiatric specialist can help older adults in a variety of ways. Such specialists can identify the problem that causes the seniors to search for help and offer suggestions that can improve the general health and qualification of life.

Roundstone Insurance notes that the dependence on digital behavioral health instruments, including telegesenship, has been turned both during pandemic and since then, and seniors can use

Such services if you only have limited mobility and/or nobody to create them for personal appointments.


Many older adults are retired, and although leisure time seemed sufficient than the ultimate reward after a life of work, many pensioners experience an emptiness as soon as their lives no longer have the structure that can offer work.

According to the independent non -profit organization, the pensioners can force the pensioners to miss the feeling of identity, meaning and the purpose that went hand in hand with their workplaces, which can cause some to feel depressed, targeted and isolated. Volunteering can help fill the emptiness generated by retirement, and the positive effects of volunteer work for mental health are well documented. According to the Mayo clinic, studies have shown that volunteer work increases positive, relaxed feelings and volunteers give a feeling of importance and appreciation.


A recently carried out analysis of meta-studies showed that movement is a highly effective treatment for diseases such as anxiety and depression. Authors of the study published in February 2023 in the magazine BJM Sports Medicine medication or cognitive behavioral therapy.

The study was a review of the roof and its authors came to the conclusion that physical activity should be a main approach in the treatment of depression, anxiety and psychological stress. People who suspect that they have to do with one of these psychological problems are still asked to speak to a doctor for the support of the treatment of their conditions.

Nobody is immune to mental health problems, including seniors. However, older adults can take various steps to remedy their mental health and improve their general health.