
“There was really a big climb”

Money that flows into technologies that can help prevent our planet before overheating has dropped greatly last year when investors have instead moved their dollars towards artificial intelligence, reported investment news.

What happens?

Investments in clean technology companies fell 40%in 2024. According to the new research results of Bloomberf.

This is three years as a result of falling investments in companies that work on solutions to cool our planets.

Nuclear power companies have opposed the trend and brought most of the money at Clean Energy Startups. Pacific Fusion Corp. the package led the package with an investment round of 900 million US dollars. Thanks to the growing interest in the removal of carbon and the stronger guidelines that support it, companies had more money.

But most of the other Clean Tech sectors fought. Chinese companies that produce solar collectors and energy stores were the harmony that the pinch of too much manufacturing capacity and tariffs that reduced product demand felt a pinch of production.

Why is the falling Clean Tech investment in relation to the investment in terms of Clear -Tech?

The departure from the financing of solutions for planet cooling comes when we need them most urgently. While AI companies brought in almost 100 billion US dollars last year, Clean Tech -Startup financing fell by $ 20 billion to $ 32 billion.

“There is no unlimited capital pool that can be invested in startups, and there was really a great increase in AI,” said Mark Daly, head of BNEF's technology and innovation team. “It definitely has influence.”

What is done to fall Clean Tech Investment?

Some bright spots remain. The total expenses for the switch on clean energy met for the first time 2 trillion dollars when all financing sources were counted. This includes money to build clean energy projects and strengthen the supply chains.

In addition, established clean technologies such as solar energy and electric cars remained strong. The main promotion challenges met newer technologies, including clean steel and green hydrogen that require more political support for growth. If the guidelines develop and the costs are falling, investments could recover.

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