
Meet the candidates: Winnetka Park Board, 6 for 3 seats

Jump to: Elise Gibson (Duda) (C) | Freddy Johnson | Colleen root (I, C) | Matthew McCarron | Scott Corley (C) | Steven Juliusson
(I: incumbent; C: Caucus supported)

Six candidates, including an incumbent, compete for three open places in the district committee of Winnetka Park.

The reigning Colleen Root and the newcomer Elise Gruber and Scott Corley are supported by the Winnetka Caucus. Although she submitted the necessary documents for the ballot, said Mary Garrison, The data record It no longer runs for the position.

Below you will find basic profiles of the candidates, each of whom has submitted a digital form on request The data record. The order they are presented was chosen. Matthew McCarron has not returned the form and the news The data record until the time of the printing press (Sunday, February 23). His information is added when you are received.

These profiles are just a layer of The records are Election reports and should provide community members with basic information about those who run for the public office. Before the election on April 1, The data record Independent interviews will also lead and publish independent interviews.

name: Elise Gibson (Duda)

Professional experience: Right partners at DLA Piper, retired

Community experience/commitment: Practical experience as a space for parents and hockey team managers several times.

Why are you running for this public office?

I would like to use my consensus skills to improve the operation of the Winnetka Park District Board and to improve relationships between Winnetka Park District and the other taxes of Winnetka. My family enjoyed everything the Park District offers, and now that I have time, I think it is my duty to go forward and continue to provide families and residents a similar level of high -quality experiences . Improving the commitment of the community will be the key to ensure that the expectations of the majority of residents are met.

name: Freddy Johnson

Professional experience: Finance, real estate

Community experience/commitment: Winnetka Park District employee in the mid -90s to Earl 2000s
• Winnetka Youth Hockey Coach 2010-2022
• Winnetka Caucus Village Slating Committee 2024

Why are you running for this public office?

You want to offer so many options for residents (children, adults, seniors) to be active in physical leisure activities. In addition, I would like to see that the Park district committee of the Commissioners fits other tax authorities in addition to the parking district staff.

name: Colleen Campbell Root

Professional experience: Lawyer

Community experience/commitment: Interior commissioner of the Winnetka Park District and Sleated Caucus candidate. Second Vice President of the (Winnetka-Kennilworth-Northfield) League of Women Voters. Member of the Winnetka Congregational Church. Legal practice focus on local government, administrative practice as well as environmental and natural resource law. Passion for parks for days as a national park service seasonal ranger.

Why are you running for the re -election to this public office?

As an incumbent, I bring continuity, experience and commitment to transparency, tax responsibility and good government. I prioritize the preservation of the environment and support the park programs of our community values. Above all, I listen to the voters and work on the implementation of guidelines that reflect the needs desired by all residents. I support for the securing of public grants for parking improvements and the cooperation with all four management bodies to support park residents. My focus is on the accounting of open parking landscape protection with developing needs of the community and ensures a strong, sustainable future for parking residents for the coming generations.

name: Matthew McCarron

Professional experience:

Community experience/commitment:

Why are you running for this public office?

Name: Scott Corley

Professional experience: Software engineering, from video games to financing

Community experience/commitment: A native of North Shore who wakes his four children in Winnetka with his wife Melissa was deputy scout master at Winnetka Troop 20, and (Scott's) is still active as a volunteer of Winnetka Community.

Why are you running for this public office?

Scott's interest in the parking district is based on the long tradition of his family in the participation of volunteer work and the parking district. As a young man, Scott worked as a Park District Swimming Pool companion, lifeguard and swimmer. He is excited to get involved again to enjoy the community.

Name: Steve Juliusson

Professional experience: Marketing, organic agriculture

Community experience/commitment: I have arable land downstate. I examined organic practices and passed through certified organic 12 years ago.

When I was in the Winnetka Caucus Parks Committee for two years, I recommended that the WPD use non-toxic lawn care to protect children and pets, and wrote the question of organic parks in the latest Caucus survey.

Why are you running for this public office?

I am in favor of bringing transparency, financial wisdom and honest government back to the WPD.

If you live here, you should be able to use our parks and programs. This means having a robust website, more children's courses, longer summer camp and open beaches.

I think you should be safe and not have to be exposed to pesticides or have to swim in the rainwater while dogs swim in clean water.

And I think we shouldn't spend taxes of $ 23 million for a Mystery Beach plan.

To make these changes, I will work for all 12,292 inhabitants of Winnetka. Not just 1 billionaire.

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