
Brown's sponsor Girls' High School Flag Football Clinic

Cleveland, Ohio (Woio) – Brown's head coach Kevin Stefanski took the day on Saturday to spread his football knowledge with football players from the High School Flag flags from the region.

The Cleveland Browns teamed up with USA football to organize their third annual kickoff clinic of the Girls High School Flag Football season.

“We want to get girls playing all over the state,” said Hannah Lee, manager for youth and high school football at the USA football.

Over 500 athletes from high schools in the northeast of Ohio visited the event in Berea.

The clinic helps girls learn the basics of Flag football by going through 18 different stations.

“In the truest sense of the word, I was after the first day of training:” Yes, I will have fun with it, “said 10th grade Brianna.

The hope is to expand the flag football in more high schools and the surrounding area from the region and ultimately turn flag football into a girl in Ohio.

“I think it is so important to me that it becomes a sport and bigger because it is just so funny and everyone deserves to have fun with it,” said Addison Wesley, one of the flag football players.

The upcoming football season of the Girls' High School will begin on March 28th. Registration is open until the end of February.