
Men's distance medley relay starts 2025 MEC Indoor Echtleichtik championships

Huntington, W. Va.-Am Sunday made the best of the best to Marshall University to start the Indoor Athletics Championships 2025 Mountain East Conference (MEC). The Indoor Trail & Field team from the Wheeling University had two competitors on the track when they started the celebrations of the Chris CLINE indoor facility. They did not achieve a team evaluation during the day, but the young team offered some of their first experiences on the championship stage.

It was the last event of the day to take over the competitive area and to take part in the distance medley of the men. While they did not achieve a team rating, the Cardinal Vierer gave their Saisondeu debut from 2024-2025 at the event to head the cardinals. The team of Shane LevesqueDrew Pierce, Magnus Polkner and CJ Anderson took the route when they fought a team of every school. Levesque got up and took on the 1200 -meter part of the race, followed by Pierce in the 400, Anderson in the 800 and Polkner in 1600, to round off the race. The four would take a time of 12: 11.35, which last 10TH On the field to round off the day. With the remaining route events on the second day and the last four field events, the cardinals want to continue to do well and fight for the team ranking lists.

The other cardinal competitor was that day Jan Wraywhich took part in the 60-meter fittings board. The second year would end with a time of 7.13 seconds and end 13TH in the event. While he did not qualify for the second day, Wray put together a strong performance when he made his debut on the championship stage.

The second day of the 2025 MEC -Indoor Echtache Championships is discontinued for Monday, February 24thTHWith field events that start the day freely at noon.