
This city in Florida has most people in “financial need”. Here is the reason

Jacksonville, Fla. – This month, Wallethub published its 2025 study in which the cities across the country have most people in financial need.

According to the study, researchers defined “financial hardship” as a credit card or with postponed payments, which indicates financial difficulties.

“In recent years, the Americans have had significant challenges, from times of high unemployment to high inflation,” the study said. “While the economic conditions have improved, many people continue to experience financial burdens.”

In the ranking, the 100 largest cities in the country were examined and the data was broken down in the following key factors:

  • Credit scores

  • People with accounts in need

  • Average number of accounts in need

  • Change of bankruptcy applications ((Dec. 2024 v. Dec. 2023)))

  • “Debt” search interest index

  • “Credit” search interest index

With a score of 76.44%, the city of Texas City was to be released in Houston. The city not only has a high proportion of its population with defendants compared to other cities (over 9%), but there is also a higher number of accounts in need per person, as the data show.

But the top rated city in the Sunshine State only put a few places in third place: Jacksonville.

“Jacksonville City has the third most common financially desperate inhabitant in the country. This can be seen from the fact that almost 16% of its residents have accounts in distress, the highest percentage in the nation, together with the highest number of necessary accounts per account per nation person.

In addition, the residents of Jacksonville's financial burdens were allowed to postpone payments in 2024, since the city changed the greatest change in the proportion of people with accounts between the fourth quarter of 2023 and the fourth quarter of 2024, which marked an increase of almost 87%. “

Wallethub, “Cities with the most people in financial need”

Apart from Jacksonville, three other cities in Florida managed to crack the top 10 on this list – Orlando (No. 6), Tampa (No. 8) and Miami (No. 9).

Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa dealt with the data, all of which were first place when it came to the number of people with people in need.

In fact, thanks to the massive influx of people who have moved to the state in recent years, Florida has suffered higher living costs – number 5 for the list of states of Wallethub with the most people in financial need.

Fortunately, the study also contains some tips for people who try to get out of Financial need:

  • Consider difficulty programs: If your financial difficulties are only temporary, you can ask your creditors about your “hardship programs”. With these programs you can temporarily move or reduce your monthly payments until you get back to your feet.

  • Try debt management: The debt management includes the permanent negotiation of better conditions with your credit card exhibitor, such as: B. lower monthly payments or a lower interest rate. The creditors want to be paid on time. So if you show the willingness to pay what you owe but express that you need a little relief, you can be successful. However, you should avoid paying a debt management company because you can build a plan directly with your lender.

  • Avoid simple ways: You may receive offers for different types of debt solutions, and it can be difficult to determine what legitimate and what is not. A good rule of thumb is that it is likely if it is too good to be true. For example, debt billing companies can promise to get them out of the hook for the dollar for the dollar, but they must first be in arrears and further violate their creditworthiness. They also tend to collect expensive fees. You could suggest a debt offer to your lender directly, but most people in financial need have not saved the money for a package payment.

  • Consolidate your debts: A debt consolidation loan can include all your debts in one place with a lower interest rate. Another similar option is a credit transfer card. In both cases, however, you usually need good or excellent credit to qualify for adequate options. In some cases, you can qualify for debt consolidation loans with lower loan scores -but you do not necessarily receive an interest rate lower than that for your existing debts.
  • Avoid predatory lenders: It can be tempting to get quickly, almost guaranteed cash from a payday loan or autitel loan. But if you do this, you will be beaten with exorbitant interest rates and fees that make the repayment of the money a nightmare.

  • Budget carefully: One way to have more money to pay your debts every month is to be stricter about your expenses. Make all the luxury purchases you can do, try to find better offers for your essential purchases, and give as much as possible for the payment of your debts. In most cases, everything you pay helps, the main credit and not just interest, which helps you get the debts out faster.

In the meantime, the rest of Wallethubs Ranking from City-by-City is as follows:

Rank City Total score Credit score rank People with accounts in emergency rank Number of accounts in the emergency rank Changes to the bankruptcy rank Searches “debts”
1 Houston, TX 76.44 18 7 6 59 5
2 Atlanta, GA 76.24 36 5 4 92 4
3 Jacksonville, FL 67.94 28 1 1 50 14
4 Dallas, TX 67.79 22 20 18 8 13
5 Charlotte, NC 66.65 6 1 1 26 25
6 Orlando, FL 65.32 47 1 1 23 25
7 San Antonio, TX 64.31 17 31 33 1 14
8 Tampa, FL 63.68 79 1 7 9 14
9 Miami, FL 61.91 98 10 22 19 5
10 Austin, TX 61.42 21 38 32 1 14
11 Los Angeles, approx. 61.27 75 52 54 33 1
12 Las Vegas, NV 59.67 86 51 42 76 1
13 New York, NY 59.67 86 51 42 76 1
14 San Diego, approx. 58.46 56 33 27 45 9
15 Chicago, il 57.09 73 78 55 81 1
16 Fort Worth, TX 54.47 29 36 38 28 25
17 Phoenix, AZ 52.31 45 62 51 64 9
18 Detroit, mi 51.11 84 21 14 90 14
19 Nashville, TN 50.38 48 14 12 89 38
20 Denver, co 48.92 65 84 46 18 14
21 New Orleans, LA 47.33 40 11 13 70 44
22 Girland, TX 46.52 10 18 15 7 89
23 Riverside, approx. 46.37 71 47 57 21 5
24 Louisville, Ky 46.35 41 9 8 97 38
25 Philadelphia, PA 46.21 60 73 59 54 5
26 Baton Rouge, La 45.98 24 16 16 35 60
27 Irving, TX 45.82 42 25 9 12 78
28 Omaha, ne 45.22 37 12 10 58 44
29 Winston-Salem, NC 44.94 97 6 5 51 78
30 Indianapolis, in 44.05 8 60 67 31 32
31 Raleigh, NC 43.93 1 35 35 24 32
32 Seattle, WA 43.58 67 93 74 16 9
33 Cleveland, Oh 43.55 54 59 47 48 25
34 Plano, TX 43.50 15 30 20 5 60
35 El Paso, TX 43.48 11 56 68 80 32
36 Haleeah, FL 42.97 92 8 19 19 60
37 Memphis, TN 42.92 25 39 45 95 32
38 Sacramento, approx. 41.92 83 70 71 6 25
39 Columbus, Oh 41.62 68 61 64 71 25
40 North Las Vegas, NV 41.47 7 15 23 42 89
41 Laredo, TX 41.33 3 17 26 74 89
42 Arlington, TX 40.70 13 27 31 39 60
43 Reno, NV 40.59 64 29 36 1 78
44 Oklahoma City, OK 40.11 52 46 43 88 38
45 Birmingham, Al 39.92 46 23 34 79 38
46 Milwaukee, Wi 39.58 20 63 58 60 44
47 San Jose, approx. 39.57 77 91 86 15 14
48 Baltimore, MD 39.40 31 85 76 83 14
49 Washington, DC 39.29 55 69 65 47 14
50 Minneapolis, Mn 38.90 59 88 94 13 25
51 Boston, MA 38.87 96 67 91 4 14
52 Greensboro, NC 38.22 5 28 25 56 60
53 Durham, NC 38.10 19 32 21 27 60
54 Spokane, WA 37.50 69 26 17 30 89
55 Des Moines, ia 37.31 74 13 11 91 78
56 Tulsa, OK 36.88 72 40 28 29 60
57 Fresno, approx. 35.78 95 71 81 10 44
58 Irvine, approx. 35.64 2 43 39 36 52
59 Cincinnati, Oh 35.11 62 76 77 22 44
60 Henderson, NV 34.88 12 41 49 42 78
61 Albuquerque, Nm 33.84 75 79 72 32 52
62 San Francisco, approx. 33.76 81 97 93 41 14
63 Buffalo, ny 33.09 63 45 48 40 44
64 Chula Vista, approx. 32.98 39 34 37 45 89
65 Corpus Christi, TX 32.96 44 19 29 98 89
66 Tucson, AZ 32.88 53 72 78 52 44
67 Virginia Beach, VA 32.69 14 49 66 49 52
68 Colorado Springs, Co 32.65 30 81 69 25 52
69 Lincoln, ne 32.16 61 24 24 84 89
70 Kansas City, Mon 31.89 51 65 50 96 38
71 Pittsburgh, PA 31.80 34 68 63 53 38
72 Lubbock, TX 31.73 16 54 56 63 78
73 San Bernardino, CA 31.64 94 57 79 14 78
74 Richmond, va 31.57 38 64 44 87 44
75 Chesapeake, va 31.55 4 37 41 85 78
76 Long Beach, approx. 31.49 82 53 73 33 52
77 St. Louis, Mon 30.88 99 42 40 99 32
78 Bakersfield, approx. 30.85 89 48 61 57 52
79 Mesa, az 30.75 27 58 70 64 60
80 Portland, or 30.69 32 87 87 17 60
81 Aurora, Co 30.69 32 87 87 17 60
82 Gilbert, AZ 30.35 9 44 52 64 89
83 Anaheim, approx. 29.46 70 66 62 36 60
84 Glendale, AZ 28.94 43 50 82 64 60
85 Newark, NJ 27.41 80 77 84 55 52
86 Norfolk, VA 27.37 33 55 98 73 60
87 Madison, Wi 26.49 26 75 75 77 60
88 Toledo, Oh 26.44 58 74 80 78 78
89 Boise, ID 26.25 35 100 100 11 89
90 Santa Ana, approx. 25.99 90 83 90 36 60
91 Chandler, AZ 25.35 23 98 53 64 89
92 Oakland, approx. 24.72 92 86 83 61 60
93 Jersey City, NJ 22.73 50 99 95 75 60
94 Honolulu, Hi 22.55 88 92 96 82 52
95 Wichita, KS 22.40 78 89 92 94 78
96 Stockton, approx. 22.32 91 96 97 86 78
97 Fremont, approx. 22.22 66 95 99 61 60
98 Scottsdale, AZ 22.15 100 82 60 64 89
99 Fort Wayne, in 21.73 57 94 88 93 60
100 Anchorage, AK 12.38 87 90 89 100 89

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