
Bars are preparing for Savannah St. Patrick's Day

Savannah, Ga. (WTOC) – It gets closer – three weeks from Monday Savannah celebrate his celebration for St. Patrick's Day in St. Patrick's. In order to be ready for the crowds of vacation, companies are already preparing.

“Think of a busy Saturday in the city center and multiply it at 50, that's St. Patrick's Day,” says Brayden O'Connor, sales member of the Southern Crown Partners in downtown Savannah.

As the biggest day for bars conclusion approaches, people in the Savannah service industry are prepared to become green.

WTOC stopped in the train pub at the Congress Street, where owner Melissa Swanson said: “I just got all my T-shirts in my T-shirts St. Patrick's Day and made posters, banners.”

Your bar has been around for decades and she tells us that this will be her 30th St. Patrick's Day. With a countdown that is prominently placed above the inner rod, your proven happy formula is ready for the crowd, but not dependent on you.

“I don't rely on it because something could happen, for example covid, but you have to buckle up and try to be really conscientious about what you spend,” says Swanson.

She calls the city's biggest day a shot in her arm for business and her favorite season. Elsewhere, when the parade comes closer, preparations become more intensive.

We met O'Connor in Pour Larry's in City Market.

“We will prepare an inventory for two weeks.

The alcohol representative knows that St. Patrick's Day is not the day for his customers to go out the beer.

“They start as soon as possible and then set up on the floor as soon as the St. Patrick's Day comes, they are ready to go.”

Back in the Rail Pub, as will be the case in most places, the entire team and some others will attract a successful day.

Swanson says: “We pull employees from everywhere.”