
The Senator Mike Stuart The State State discusses Cohen Craddock Student Athlete Safety Act

Charleston, W.VA (WDTV) – Football has been safe in all levels in recent years and politicians make their contribution in West Virginia. Senator Mike Stuart on Monday, District 7, hired the Cohen Craddock Student Athlete Safety Act in the Senate Bill 585.

“We have the ability and the chance not only to make a big difference for Cohen Craddock and his family, but also for children who are similar across the country,” said Senator Stuart.

“This is a clever calculation and an invoice that can grow with West Virginia over time. Today it deals with football security for our sons, but can also tackle many other important topics that influence the security of our children in sporting areas and courts all over West Virginia in the future. “

If the law is adopted, the use of guardian caps for football practices from the middle school and the high school would be required. These special helmets were worn by many players in the NFL in the 2024 season. They have been proven that they reduce the conceals of the brain.

“It seems to me that it should do in West Virginia if it is good enough for the NFL and that the NFL knows that it is good politics and good science,” said Senator Stuart.

“As soon as we do this in West Virginia, this is adopted all over the country. It is so cheap and inexpensive that the sons, who are later on these soccer fields, will be happy that they have these protectors on their minds. “

Senator Stuart tells 5 messages that he expects the legislation to be passed with cross -party support.