
French grammar tips: cheat the future

French learners live in the present – not for Zen -related reasons, but because remembering of all different French verbs of remembering can be really difficult.

Like most languages ​​that French have French, French have a past, present and future – but also a few additional time forms for things like the recent past, the near future, the subjunctive and even a special form of time for writing novels. There are a total of 10 verbs (some much more often than others) who can feel a little discouraging for people who are just beginning in French classes.


However, there is a temporary cheat for discussions about the future.

Grammar tips

From the unification of adjectives to the subjunctive, the French grammar can be devilish – some intentionally claim – complicated – and almost all French learners have ever despair of ever doing it right.

People learn languages ​​in different ways – some people prefer to get into the chat, others like to have a textbook and some exercises. But the formal and structured nature of the French language means that if you want to get fluent – and if you need written French – you have to learn some grammar.

That is why we conduct this weekly series of French grammar tips and tricks -and you can also register to get you as a newsletter.

The following tips are not intended as a replacement for formal classes or sweating about this verbtische (unfortunately these are necessary for most people), but can help the language learners.

They come from our own experiences with life and work in France and, as with our popular French word of the day, tried to concentrate on examples that will be useful in everyday life.

Future hack

If you talk about the future in French, you will usually use the time form Futurwhich is about conjugating the verbs in a certain way to indicate that they are talking about the future. As with all French forms, there are rules and then exceptions so that the verb All becomes J'irai (I will go) in the future while être becomes IL Sera (He will) in the future.

The attempt to remember all of these verbs and exceptions can be discouraging, especially if they also try to remember the conjugation rules for the present and the past (and perhaps also of the condition).


Where the where the Futur Proche Comes in – this is a time form that should only be described in the near future, usually plans in the next few days.

However, it is much easier to construct than that FuturBecause it simply uses'per Vais'(I go) plus the verb (or tu vas, il va etc). For example;

Per Vais all – I'll go

Je vais partir – I'll go

Elle Va Acheter – You will buy

Now we should emphasize that it is technically not correct.

However, you will be understandable, especially if you end up with a time marker to clarify the time frame you talk about, e.g. B. La Semaine Prochaine (next week), L'e anée Prochaine (Next year), en septembre (in September).

You will undoubtedly learn the right future conjugation soon (before you pass on all of these other forms of time, happy days), but in the meantime the Futur Proche Is your friend.

Read more French grammar tips;