
Panther's training record for most state qualifications Raccoon Valley Radio

Panther's training record for most state qualifications Raccoon Valley Radio – the one you can count on

Of the five panther who took part in the Junge State's wrestling tournament, there are four of these Fiver Panthers seniors who complete their career as a Panther wrestler in the Wells Fargo Arena. In addition to the Panther seniors who qualified for the state tournament, 5 wrestlers sent the state tournament.

Head coach of the Panther wrestling team Jason Kirtley thought about these seniors: “You are a special group. You have bound the record for most state qualifications in the panorama with the 2018 squad. You will live in my heart forever because we only did this twice throughout our history. “

Coach Kirtley is looking forward to the 2025 season and proud of his seniors for their hard work this season.


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