
The companies demanded that job seekers with a criminal register during the difficult labor market Local news

The Ministry of Employment and Economic Development in Minnesota will organize its regular workforce on Wednesday on March 5, this time on the subject of strategies for the development of a fair opportunity.

Workers for Fair Chance are job seekers with a criminal register, and discussion participants will outline the advantages of hiring employees at a time at a time when employers are faced with increasing attitudes.

More than 100,000 Minnesotans are in some form of community supervision, and around 1,000 people will return from prison to their communities this year.

At the same time, employers are challenged to meet their requirements of the workforce. According to DEED, this creates a complex dynamic for employers, since a growing number of job seekers with a criminal register actively search for employment opportunities throughout the state.

During the virtual meeting of Deed on March 5, the participants learn about the legal compliance and the minimization of risks of those with criminal background, successful attitude strategies and the rewards of hiring employees for fair chance.

The discussion participants include the employees of documents, Twin Cities rise! Employees, Minnesota Department of Corrections and member of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce.

The virtual meeting of Minnesota workers runs from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Afterwards there is an “Unplugged” meeting, in which the participants can ask questions from the regional consultants for the workforce strategy and the discussion participants of the meeting. This is recorded after the event and provided for the advertisement.

To register for the workforce on March 5 on Wednesday, visit Scroll down to “register” on the left and click register to take part.