
The Henderson County Commission votes for the new fire brigade leader to use the program for residents

Henderson County, Tenn. – A local district stopped a meeting to discuss new business.

The Henderson County Commission voted for the new fire chief and a new program for the residents on Tuesday evening.

“The way the process in Henderson County, the fire department manager, works – held the interviews and carried out the selection of the fire chief. You made the recommendation to the County Commission tonight, ”said Mayor Robbie McCreeady.

Tuesday evening, after the death of Chief Lynn Murphy, a fire chief in New Henderson County was selected in December 2024.

“Tonight, the district commissioners Cody Usery selected as the new fire chief. Cody has years of experience and we are happy to have it, ”said Mayor McCreeady.

Together with this, the commissioners voted for the approval of the inspection program for residential buildings.

“Last month, the planning commission made a recommendation to the full district commission that we accept dormitory inspections. It is carried out by the state so that a new residential building of a new construction process will carry out a approval process, ”said Mayor McCreeady.

This is due to some houses that were built in the past that had no access to water, electricity or streets. This was not only not certain, but also a burden for first aiders.

“As a result, we have set up a planning commission and this planning commission began to work and to ensure that our voters are not exploited through fraudulent practices,” said Mayor McCready.

The commissioners also voted to recognize their dispatcher as first aiders.

“You may not go to call or actually give the scene, but they are the voices for the officers who lead them there. They are the voice for the victims and create the calm voice. So we just want to recognize it and urge the state to recognize it. They are not employees, they are first aiders, ”said Mayor McCreeady.

The next meeting of the County Commission will take place on March 11th at 7 p.m.

You can find more Henderson County News here.