
Fort Bend County Richter KP George Rails against criminal proceedings in a new letter

Richmond, Texas (KTRK) – The competitive district judge of Fort Bend, KP George, described the criminal proceedings against him as a “political persecution” in a letter that was directed to the district residents on Tuesday.

The Democrat, which was first elected in 2018, is currently faced with a false representation of the identity accusation because he allegedly worked with his former chief of staff Taral Patel to publish racist attacks on himself under a wrong name.

George writes of the charges: “If this can happen to me- like the best chosen officer in Fort Bend County, a US citizen for decades and an official in our community- then it can happen to everyone.”

George also claimed the district prosecutor Brian Middleton and the judge when he preserved to withdraw. He claims that there is a conflict of interest because he controls the budgets for both offices as a district judge.

“It is really not a legal conflict of interest,” said criminal lawyer Kent Schaffer, who is not connected to George's case.

Schaffer said the prosecutors are pursuing the constantly elected officials, even if the chosen officials check their budgets.

George also claims that judge Christian Becerra had a conflict of interest when he signed an arrest warrant to search for Georges electronic devices in September.

“Brian Middleton and I went together at the legal faculty. We worked in the DA's office, but every mention that there is a kind of agreement between us is absolutely ridiculous,” said Becerra.

Schaffer noticed that it is common for judges to have worked as a public prosecutor in the past.

George also suggested that Becerr's campaign to replace him as a district judge was a conflict of interest. But Becerra said he had no plans to run for an office when he signed the arrest warrant and he withdrawn from the case in which George's former chief of staff was involved as soon as he thought he could run.

When Becerra was asked about George's letter, he said to Eyewitness News: “I found it ridiculous. I think it did despair.”

A large part of George's letter aims at the booking process in Fort Bend County's prison. George is dismantled, switched to a prison uniform and his search for the search was released. He also claims that the Sheriff's office called ICE to check his immigration status and confiscate its passport.

“All of these things he doesn't like are things that happen to every single criminal accused every day, but I understand that as a chosen civil servant, he would be freed from all of this,” said Schaffer.

The Fort Bend County's sheriff office reacted to George's explanations late Tuesday:

“Judge KP George was treated like everyone else who comes to the FBC prison. Anyone who comes to his prison and states that they are not a naturally born US citizen will be contacted. an ice cream authority is not required.

In addition, search photos are taken publicly, while the person is in custody. As soon as a person is no longer in our care, your search for the search is immediately removed from our public database. “

George, who has not yet announced whether he was running for re -election in 2026, asked the residents of Fort Bend County to “stand with me”.

“This is not just an attack on me and my family. It is an attack on every citizen of Fort Bend County, the principles of fairness and the integrity of our judicial system,” he wrote.

A spokesman for George said he was not available for an interview on Tuesday.

The District Prosecutor's Office of Fort Bend said that due to the ongoing criminal proceedings, Georges could not enter into specific claims.

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