
Something in the water made another request to continue with the April date after receiving a violation

“We made a decision and I think we have to hold on to this decision,” said Mayor Bobby Dyer on Tuesday at a city council meeting.

Virginia Beach, va. – On Tuesday, Virginia Beach City officers announced that the water team was turned into the city in January in January to determine whether the festival was still possible in April.

The something in the water music festival, a successful event in the past, which comes from Pharrell Williams in Virginia Beach, tried to celebrate a comeback. The festival was originally planned for October 2024, but the festival organizers postponed it on the same day when tickets were sold. The organizers then announced a date in April 2025, but missed several appointments in a contract with the city.

The city council ended the delays at the end of January when they sent a termination to the something in the water team. You are now working with Beach Events, a contract operator for entertainment on the ocean front to carry out other programs and will soon publish details.

But the officers said they heard from the team after the delay on January 24, and there may have been an “expectation” that they might want to progress with the April date.

“We made a decision and I think we have to hold on to this decision,” said Mayor Bobby Dyer this Tuesday and revealed that the request had taken place. “The Council has set a direction that I don't believe that we can reappear.”

City Public Information Liaison Ali Weatherton-Shok confirmed that something in the water team had sent the city on January 24th. However, she could not say the exact date with this communication.

“The city's employees said SITW that it was too late to properly plan and safely carry out the requirements for logistics and public security for an event of this size,” said Weatherton-Shook in an email on Tuesday.

The deputy mayor Rosemary Wilson agreed. “It takes a lot of preparation; There is no way for us to be safely prepared, ”she said. “The expectation that we can only jump through these tires after the deadline is difficult to imagine.”

Dyer left the opportunity to organize the festival in the future.

“We can certainly be open -minded in the future, but the timing was right again.”