
The husband of the city council member of the Coachella member was released in Bond after the FBI was arrested

The FBI agents arrested the husband of the city council of the Coachella city council on Monday morning in front of a Walmart business in Coachella.

Yadira Perez was destroyed after experiencing her husband's arrest by federal agents. “My family was only separated. You brought my children further. These are the desperate aid screams, ”said Yadira.

According to Yadira, the arrest took place without warning. “When we left Walmart, they just surrounded me. They said he had a deportation order. We have lived in Coachella so many years. Why now? “She said. Despite the shock, Yadira said that the agents never showed paper stuff or legal system that confirmed the deportation. Her husband was brought directly to the San Bernardino.

The FBI has confirmed that such arrests in cooperation with ICE agent are part of an ongoing operation for people with criminal history and outstanding arrest warrants. According to the FBI, the focus of these actions is not related to standard ice raids.

The arrested man has a criminal history with a drug accusation of 1994 criminal offenses and recently a case of arrest. The indictment is based on the illegal re -entry into the country after an earlier deportation.

Since his arrest on Monday, the Perez family has been looking for answers and the emotional stress is noticeable. “You never gave me an order,” continued Yadira. “You just took him with you.” Yadira's family worked with immigration lawyers to secure the release of their relatives.

After a day of uncertainty, a judge approved the released man on Bond and allowed him to fight the case from outside.

Yadira remains hopeful, but her focus is on holding her family together and navigating the challenges of the legal system. She explained: “I spoke to my husband by phone. He only tells me that I should hold the family together. “

Stay at NBC Palm Springs while we continue to report this developing story.