
The same day mid-through-throughput sequencing

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In the genome sequencing everything has to be exactly right. It should be the right place in terms of data quality, gymound time, costs and user -friendliness. In some cases, these criteria are of crucial importance. In a podcast produced by MGI for World Cancer Day in 2025, Gareth Gerrard, PhD, a clinical scientist and scientific lead for cancer at the South East Genomics Laboratory Hub in London, discussed the use of sequencing in the treatment of non-NOTE Lung cancer with small Zell and he said: “We know that almost every week this patient corresponds, not one of these Treatments begins, but has an impact on its result. “

As a developer and manufacturer of sequencing platforms, the DNBSEQ sequencing technology of MGI provides high-quality data about an efficient and user-friendly workflow. In addition, MGI already offered two options that offer sequencing within 24 hours. Its DNBSEQ-T7 and DNBSEQ-G99 offer sequencing with high and low passing.

In some applications, a high-pioneer sequencer may be too much because it requires a larger sample size than some customers. Conversely, a sequencer with low throughput may not be able to treat enough samples for some uses. This leaves a perfect position for a mid-through-throughput sequencer with a 24-hour gymnastics.

According to Rob Tarbox, VP from Product and Marketing at the MGI subsidiary Complete Genomics, “sequencing machines with medium-sized through-plates generally had the disadvantage of excessive long storage times on the market, which did not meet the efficiency requirements of the customers.”

Scientists from MGI and Complete Genomics set out to meet the needs of scientists and clinics in the middle of throughput. The company collected sequencing requirements of domestic and international customers. The results showed high expectations. For example, customers wanted a mid-through-throughput sequencer that creates data within 24 hours or less and provided the Q40 sequencing, which is 99.99%.

When pursuing these goals, Tarbox said:

Mid-through-throughput sequencing in 24 hours

Nevertheless, the team succeeded in fighting against physics and produced the mid-through-through-donbseq-t1+, which was released at AGBT 2025. In just 24 hours, this platform can sequence 600 giga bases when using a single river cell or 1.2 TERA bases. Bases with a dual flow cell. Despite this speed, the data quality exceeds the quality of the Q40.

The fulfillment of these goals required many progress in the DNBSEQ-T1+. For example, it supports three flow cell formats: FCS, FCM and FCL. In addition, every large flow cell can be operated independently and includes four addressable lanes. “This is pretty much like a dual SIM double phone,” says Tarbox. “You can test an example at any time or at the same time.”

These functions of the DNBSEQ-T1+ enable customers to design very efficient workflows. “For example, you can carry the division and integration into a river cell and scan in the other river cell,” says Tarbox.

This sequencing platform also uses improved biochemistry, fluidics, optics and temperature control. How Tarbox explains these characteristics of the DNBSEQ-T1+: “The most modern fluid system achieves a highly precise testimonial transfer with ultralow-cross contamination using advanced and intelligent pressure control strategies, during the TDI [time delay and integration] The line scan image system system records optical signals in real time. “

Overall, the DNBSEQ-T1+ fits many applications, including tumor sequencing, full-genome sequencing (WGS), all-out sequencing (WES) and the most modern multi-amics studies such as single cell and spatial-time omics. “For example, it is suitable for family -based shared apartments,” says Tarbox. “Say, a newborn has cancer or a rare illness, then you have to carry out genetic tests for the parents and siblings.” With traditional sequencing, this can take a week that could be too late. “Now with T1+we can carry out four shared apartments of people at the same time and receive the data within 24 hours.”

MGI and Complete Genomics now offer a comprehensive family of sequencers: the T7 for high throughput, the T1+ for mid-through-throughput and the G99 for low throughput. Each of these platforms can complete sequencing within 24 hours, which meets the needs of researchers and laboratories around the world.