
JSO gets the green light to move the headquarters to the Florida Blue building – 104.5 WOKV

Jacksonville, Florida – it is now official: The Jacksonville office will move its headquarters from the police building in the city center and the Florida Blue building in Brooklyn.

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However, there are some open questions, including the total costs and the timeline for the move.

According to the legislation approved by the city council of Jacksonville on Tuesday evening, the rent would be set to almost 7.3 million US dollars per year in the first 15 months.

The landlord could then increase the costs by 3% per year.

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“Our city modernized and JSO too,” said council member Nick Howland (R-Group 3 AT-Large).

In the end, Howland said that the move would save taxpayers money, since JSO will no longer have to maintain the 51-year-old police building building.

“It is also US leasing instead of having to spend a capital to build a new building,” said Howland.

The landlord offers the city $ 19.8 million to renovate the building before moving, which is taken into account at the first rental price.

It is possible that the annual rental costs could be higher than what is specified in the basic contract.

The city would have the option of taking over an additional 20 million US dollars for renovation work, which would increase the annual rent by around 1.6 million US dollars, which increases the total amount of $ 8.9 million per year.

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The first rental agreement would include 16 years and three months with two five-year extension options and begin after the renovation work has been completed.

It is not clear how long it will take, but according to JSO, the agency plans to fully collect until spring 2027.

“A modern headquarters will improve our ability to serve the community, to improve operational efficiency and to provide our civil servants and employees the resources they need for their work,” said Jacksonville Sheriff TK Waters in a statement. “This new institution is a commitment to the security and well -being of people in Jacksonville.”

When JSO has fully moved in, Howland argued that the police Memorial Building property will be ready for sale, which continues to start the price of the lease.

“I think you will not be able to recognize the city center in two to three years, the time that the police need to move from the PMB to Brooklyn. This will be some of the premiere in the southeast of the premiere, ”said Howland.

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And Howland is optimistic that the HQ step will also accelerate the move of the Duval County prison.

“The prison will follow and that will be a premiere real estate in the city of Jacksonville,” said Howland.

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It is still too early to know how the two most important parts of the city center can be renovated or reinterpreted.

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