
AP trends Summary letter at 8:42 p.m. EST | wire

Thieves, however, expensive bulldogs from an animal business in Colorado after falsifying a seizure, says Sheriff

Denver (AP) authorities in Colorado say that thieves had grabbed a few high-priced bulldogs from an animal business after one of them allegedly had a attack to distract the employees while an accomplice abrided and ran the puppies from a pen. The theft, which was captured on a surveillance video, occurred in Suburban Denver on Sunday. According to the sheriff office of the sheriff in Arapahoe, three men went apart for a few minutes and asked questions about the puppies, which were sold for $ 4,299 each. The authorities say, after having a seizure, got another two puppies and ran with the third accomplice to a escape car. A woman who later bought one of the puppies from a street seller brought him back into the shop.

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