
Nova Scotia fire chief, who was killed for life for fire trucks, kills snowmobile

A fire chief and deputy head of Nova Scotia was banned from the department for life after a snowmobile was hit and killed last week.

“We know that the snowmobile was on the road when it met a Schnebank. And witnesses who encountered them, helped help, asked for help and provided first aid on the street,” RCMP CPL. Guillaume Tremblay told CBC.CA on Monday and added that Blake Nicholson, 28, was still helped when he was hit by the fire engine.

The fire chief of Collingwood and District, Jerrold Cotton, who drove, was not true with the officers of the wreck. The deputy chief Andrea Bishop, his wife, was also in the apparatus.

Nicholson, who was declared dead at the crime scene, is survived by his fiance and two -year -old son.

“When the hard evidence came on Monday about what had happened, as far as the fire engine was concerned, it was time for us to act,” Mayor Rod Gilroy told CBC News after the full meeting on Wednesday.

Although he said he would step aside, Cotton replied to an emergency call on Monday.

According to Greg Herrett, the Chief Administration Officer, the city officials used a new law to remove and ban the two bosses.

“The only option that was available to the community to deal with such a situation [discharge the volunteer fire chiefs] This time, “said Herrett.

Lord said that the statute adopted in 2024 was a reaction to driving while he was charged in 2020.

Cotton admitted in the criminal offense and received a fine of $ 2,000, a license commitment from November 30, 2020 to May 31, 2022 and an 18-month prohibition order for motor vehicles. The municipality also banned cotton to drive its vehicles for about a year.