
Chapter 1 – 4 The investigation continues – Monster Hunter Wilds Guide

The investigation continues

Talk to Alma

Back in the base camp, it is your main goal to speak to Alma. However, as soon as you arrive, Rosso will talk to you and teach you about side missions. These are their basic secondary quests and they are marked on the map with a yellow symbol.

The first thing you can complete is fishing: life, in microcosm. Kanya, an NPC that stands with a water basin next to a large rock in the area of ​​the camp, will exist. She will teach her about fishing and the mission will end as soon as you catch fish.

Open your inventory menu by holding L1/LB to use your fishing rod and select it. Then use it as if you are using your Slinger.

Before you go to Alma, take a look at Gemma and Tek, the pop-up camp Meowster. Gemma now gives you recommendations for equipment. You just have to use the option in the Smithy menu.

Tek, who is on the opposite side of her tent, will teach you pop-up camps. You can now create and manage small camps in the regions you have discovered (you will discover certain places where you can be built).

The pop-up camps are useful to rest places between hunts and explorations, and can also be used as quick travel points. They work just like their personal tent in the base camp.

Now you are ready to speak to Alma. Select “Ready to Go” and a cutscene will begin. You will see a pack of doshaguma until an apex appears and leave the rest. The popup camp that was previously here has now been destroyed.

Then they are brought to Y'Sai's village. You will have a dialogue about Doshaguma and you will have the task of finding a man named Zatoh.

This continues the end of Chapter 1 – 4.