
The Google Pixel Watch 3 can call help if you lose your pulse

The best thing a company can do for its product – especially for its sales figures – is to convince users that it is essential for life. With the Pixel Watch 3, Google certainly leans into this narrative. This week, Google's smartwatch received the third generation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the loss of the impulse detection function, which was announced next to the smartwatch. As soon as the function is introduced later next month, the Pixel Watch 3 can immediately call for help if your pulse starts.

The function has been available in the EU since Smartwatch's debut last autumn. However, this is the first time that it is available in the US loss of pulse recognition, as announced: your heart rate goes zero and the pixel Watch 3 immediately enters emergency mode. It starts a countdown and sounds of an alarm. If you do not react within seconds, the emergency services will be called up automatically, provided you have previously set up this with an Android device.

According to Google, the clock can take off between an immediate heart event and simply the watch for the day, which indicates that there will be only a few false positive results. Google accuses Multi-Check, an AI-based algorithm who examines the Multipath-Herz-Rate sensor for patterns to determine when it is really a nuanced situation. The company claims that the algorithm strictly tested the algorithm with “over hundreds of thousands of hours” and at the same time crossed “a large number of experts”, including cardiologists and rescue doctors on a high level.

I accidentally triggered the autumn recognition function of the Pixel Watch beforehand, although it was with the last generation hardware. It happened when my foot slid down a hill after a bad landing. False aspects happen, but that's why there are a few seconds countdown and alarm so that you can call it up when this happens. Expect that Google markets the function in the city, especially since the Apple Watch is not yet able to do anything.