
New video, which was shot near the 27th and Wisconsin in the officer

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Milwaukee Police Department

Milwaukee (CBS 58)-The Milwaukee Police Department on Thursday, November 27th, published new details about a shootout involved by officer, in which a 24-year-old man stayed dead.

New videos published by the police shows that the incident unfolds on February 12 near 27 and Wisconsin.

The police say that the suspect, who was identified as Isaiah Stott, fired shots against civil servants and they brought the fire back – hit him. Stott did not survive.

Milwaukee's police officer, Daniel Gonzales, was shot at the department during the incident with eight years of service and underwent several operations before he was released from the hospital. The official was put into administrative obligation.

The OAK Creek Police Department derives the investigation.

See also

  • The Milwaukee police officer scored near 27th and Wisconsin, suspicious dead

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