
Players who never reached their climax after fame on campus

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Protothro played three seasons in Alabama and achieved the call for his dazzling sportiness and talent for the spectacular. His breakout moment was a junior in 2005 when he fell 2 with Southern Mississippi “The Catch” in the second week in a week. The stunning grave is still one of the largest pieces in the history of Alabama and won an Espy for the best game in 2006.

Protothro led the Crimson Tide to a Comes-FROM-impaired victory that this game with seven receptions for 137 yards. Proothro took five receptions for 134 yards and two weeks later two weeks later in a blowout victory against Florida, but the game ended with a tragedy when he suffered a cruel break to Tibia and Fibula when he decided in the end zone for a pass. He underwent several operations, including the introduction of a metal rod into his leg and never played another football.