
Astronomy image of the day

Astronomy image of the day<br />

Discover the cosmos! Another picture or other photo of our fascinating universe is presented every day, together with a brief explanation of a professional astronomer.

2025 February 27th

Open Star Cluster M35 and NGC 2158
Photo credits and copyright:

Evan Tsai, Latte: Lulin-Asiaa Telescope


In this single, starry clear, telescopic field of vision are two open star clusters, M35 and NGC 2158. They seem to be side by side within the borders of the constellation Gemini. His stars concentrated upwards, but M35 is relatively close. M35 (also cataloged as NGC 2168) is only 2800 light years away, with about 400 stars over a volume of over 30 light years being distributed. Light blue stars often distinguish younger open clusters like M35, whose age is estimated to be 150 million years. On the lower left, NGC 2158 is about four times as far away than M35 and much more compact and seems to be more than 10 times older with the more yellowish light of a population of stars. In general, there are open star clusters along the aircraft of our Milky Way. Its members of the company are usually gravitatively tied up over billions of years when the Open Star Clusters circle the galactic center.

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Authors and editors:
Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
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