
Mdot pushes back the start date for the two-year I-696 project

Drivers have two additional days to drive east on a route of the Interstate 696 in Oakland County before it closes for two years.

The work on the Interstate, between M-10 in Southfield and I-75 near Royal Oak, Hazel Park and Ferndale, will now start on Monday at 9 a.m., the Ministry of Transport by Michigan announced on Thursday afternoon. The extensive Repaving project was expected to start on Saturday.

Mdot said the start date was pushed back due to weather. The National Weather Service predicts a 30% precipitation speed from Friday morning until night, including possible rain and snow showers. Saturday and Sunday are probably largely clear.

On Monday morning, the crews will carry out travel markings, ramps and lane closures and other work on the affected route of the I-696 in the east, the interstate is completely closed by the afternoon, said Mdot.

The whales in the west of the I-696 between M-10 and Interstate 75 were closed on Friday and Saturday in the last week in anticipation of the main project overnight and Saturday.

The multi -year project is the last of three phases of 275 million US dollars “Restore the Reuther” project. In 2019, the state completed the work along the easternmost part, which aimed at repairs, from Dequindre to the eastern term of the highway on the I-94. In 2023 and 2024, work on the western section from Interstate 275 to M-10 took place.

Mdot estimated that around 100,000 drivers would be affected by the closure every day, but said that the project was necessary to replace the highway for the decades of the highway.

In addition to new civil engineers, markings and signs, the work of the Church Street Plaza Bridge on the I-696 in the OAK Park as well as an improvement of 60 bridges and the exchange of 1,100 drainage structures.

Traffic to the west is maintained throughout the project, says Mdot officer.

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