
OnePlus Watch 3 pre -orders arrive with an apology letter

What you need to know

  • OnePlus takes an additional step to communicate his watch 3 error with early buyers.
  • The company contains a physical, printed letter with Watch 3 pre-order sending in which the situation and customer options are explained.
  • Buyers can either keep or return the clock. The company is working on producing new OnePlus Watch 3 units without typing errors.

OnePlus made such a small mistake in his latest smartwatch, the OnePlus Watch 3 that the average person may not even catch him. The device is produced in China, so it is enrolled with this fact – except in an unfortunate typing error, “Meda in China” is instead of “Made in China”. It is on the back of the smartwatch, the part that touches your wrist, which means that it does not make itself strange as you wear it. OnePlus ensures that everyone who has pre-ordered an OnePlus watch 3 is aware of the misconception and has the chance to get a replacement.

After OnePlus became aware of the error, he replied to the problem on social media and delayed the new sale of the Watch 3 to produce corrected models. Like many companies, he had the error on X (formerly Twitter), but that's not always enough. Not everyone is on social media, so OnePlus takes an additional step to communicate the situation to see 3 early adopters.