
On the recording with Sheriff Schmidt | News, sports, jobs

I am lucky enough to have a great team of MPs, prisons and office workers, but I would like to take a moment to emphasize how important the deputy deputy Joe Quandt was as a sheriff in these first weeks. Behind the scenes in the sheriff's office happens so much that most people will never see, and probably never. In the past two months there have been moments when I felt completely overwhelmed. But Joe takes care of everything with pride and always puts the office in the first place without anyone being able to see that he too feels the pressure.

In our job it is common for people to have a lot to say what we do – without really knowing each other or understanding the job. With this in mind, I do not think that Tama County realizes completely what kind of asset Joe is in this county. He is not one who is looking for the spotlight, so I know that he will not be enthusiastic to see this, but he really deserves recognition.

It was a busy month, but things start more smoothly. I have always believed that the first 100 days should go to understand why things are done as they are and to plan for the future. It is a time to take a close look at our processes and see how we can improve efficiency or explore new ways to go forward and keep pace over time. There were overwhelming moments, but overall it was great! I know that I probably sound like a broken plate, but I'm sincerely excited about what is ahead of us.

I also know that a lot has recently been talked about about the budget and the financial situation of the district, and I understand how easy it is to feel worried and frustrated. The truth is that Kleinstadt Iowa faces real fights, and it is no secret that many communities feel the pressure. But I really think we'll get through so much. As a chosen official, it is our job to work together and always keep the people who are in the center of our actions in these positions. It is also the committed employees of Tama County who really make this district great and they play such an important role in our success. I believe that we as elected civil servants sometimes have to step down and ask ourselves: “How do I help Tama County forward?” For me, this means working together, contributing our part to improve this district and make it a better place to live and work.

We are pleased to be able to tell you that the deputy Brandon Wall will be our new K9 handler! Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraisers to support the K9 unit. Since the K9 unit is fully financed by donations, we are incredibly grateful for the support that we have received over the years to keep this program going. Thank you for your continued support!

When we move in warmer weather and hopefully fewer icy streets, I feel good about where things go. It was a few busy months, but we had a strong team and the support of the community behind us. Spring is a great time to refresh and continue to advance. Thank you for the support – it really makes a difference!

Casey Schmidt is Sheriff of Tama County, Iowa. He took office in 2025.