
UNMC for the record, February 28, 2025 | Newsroom

Spring appears at UNMC

Last Tuesday, the students enjoyed the warm weather on the Ruth and Bill Scott Student Plaza.

UNMC partner with the Hamamatsu University School of Medicine

The UNMC graduate, Kosuke Niitsu, PhD, gave a lecture on December 25, 2024 at the Hamamatsu University School of Medicine (Hama-Med).

The Hama-Med Faculty of Nursing founded a partnership with the UNMC College of Nursing in 2024, and in October attended nursing students from Hama-Med UNMC, Nebraska Medicine and other Omaha facilities.

Elizabeth Beam, PhD, Associate Professor at the UNMC College of Nursing and Director of Global Health at UNMC, welcomed Hama-Med nursing students. “It was a great pleasure to show the students what health care in the United States looks like and at the same time learned more about each other,” said Dr. Beam. “We have more together than sometimes.”

During his lecture, Dr. Niitsu his experience as a student in the Bachelor nurse at UNMC and discussed the differences in nursing training between Japan and the USA. “It was an enormous honor for me to speak to Hama-Med as a UNMC alumnus and to talk about the fact that my experience is a nurse in the United States,” said Dr. Niitsu.

-Sarah Hankin, UNMC strategic communication

UNMC pensioning

UNMC Human Resources announced three recent retirement and an upcoming retirement. They are:

  • Elmer Adamson, UNC department for public security, retired January 10th. Start date October 18, 2014.
  • Barbara Conrad-Koperski, UNMC department for public security, retired January 23. Start date June 6, 2019.
  • Gary Yee, UNMC College of Pharmacy, department for pharmacy practice and science, retired on February 1. Start date July 1, 1998.
  • Sandra Goynes, UNMC printing services, will retire on April 5. Start date March 21, 2000.

-Jeff Robb, UNMC strategic communication

Crane has set up over the weekend

On the weekend of March 1st, a crane is placed in the Clarkson -Docte's circle, which is lifted on the roof of the building on the roof of the building as part of the ongoing replacement work.

The crane will not be set up until the weekend, so that it does not affect business on Monday, March 3.

-Joe Evans, Nebraska Medicine

Food seller on campus

Food sellers are available on the UNMC Omaha campus on the east and west side of the campus and serve from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The current schedule is:

East End of Campus (Sorrell Center, Alumni Commons Area):

  • Monday – taste of heaven
  • Tuesday – Zemogs
  • Wednesday – taste of heaven
  • Thursday – Tikka Talk
  • Friday – Pims Thai Catering & take out

West End of Campus (Maurer Commons area from Durham Research Center):

  • Monday – Tikka talk
  • Tuesday – TBD
  • Wednesday – Tikka talk
  • Thursday – pims Thai catering & take out
  • Friday – TBD

Questions? E -Mail Rick Boldt in the UNMC Office of Business and Finance.