
911 call unveiled – NBC Connecticut

Originally on E! On-line

The moment the police were notified of Gene Hackman and Betsy Arakawa's deaths appeared.

Shortly after the legendary actor, the 95, and his wife, 64, together with one of her three dogs, were found dead in her Sante Fe, NM, Home, and unveiled new details about how her bodies were discovered on February 26 by two maintenance workers.

“I think we have just found two or a deceased person in the house,” said one of the workers who identified himself as “caretaker of the subdivision”.

However, the caller had difficulty getting where officials were to be sent and insisted that there was “no address” on the property.

“There is no address here, so I have to meet down there,” he continued. “Then the police [or] Whoever [are] I will bring you down in the gatehouse. “

Photos Gene Hackman: Living in photos

And when he was asked whether Hackman and Arakawa were breathing, the caretaker repeated that he had “no idea”.

“I'm not in the house,” he said. “It is closed. It is blocked. I can't go in, but I see it lying – it is out of the window.”

The caretaker was also sure that the corpses were motionless, and at some point told the 911 operator: “Age, they don't move. Just send someone here very quickly.”

Moments later the call fell temporarily, with the operator said: “I can hardly understand you. You come in and out.”

But in the end the caretaker was able to confirm where the officials should meet him.

“I don't know the gate number, but I can bring it into the house,” said the caller towards the end of the conversation before I added, “I will meet the device, thank you for your help.”

Shortly after the caretaker's 911 call, Arakawa and Hackman – who got married in 1991 – were found dead by responding civil servants in separate rooms in their residence in New Mexico. The authorities said they believe that the couple – whose body signs of a “body decoration”, “flatulence” and “mummification” showed how an affidavit for “at least one day” received from NBC News.

The police say that the couple, who married in 1991, was found with their dog after a neighbor called the police to carry out a social examination check.

Since the news of her death, the Sheriff's office said that the officials had considered the circumstances in the tragedy as “suspicious” and opened a “thorough search and examination”. In order to try to determine the cause of death, the local medical examiner requested carbon monoxide and toxicology tests that are still pending.

According to the tragedy, several friends, colleagues and admirers of Hackman's tributes shared in honor of his inheritance.

“Gene Hackman [was] As a great actor, inspiring and great in his work and complexity, “he wrote the actor from 1974 on February 27th in” The Conversation “.” I mourn for his loss and celebrate his existence and his contribution. “

Tom Hanks added in his own Instagram post: “There has never been a” gene Hackman type “. There were only gene hackman.”

(E! And NBC new are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)