
Cybersecurity Student, program that is recognized at the NPC board meeting

The National Park College board of trustees approved an Associate of Science in Stem in Computer Information Systems-cybersecurity at the regular monthly meeting on Wednesday.

This is the fourth graduation “Start here, graduation” here in cooperation with the University of Arkansas in Monticello, according to a press release. NPC and UAM are currently working for degrees in business, education and nursing.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Chuck Argo presented the board to the board.

“NPC has set up an excellent work relationship with Chancellor Doss and her team in Monticello, and we hope to continue these exciting opportunities for our students,” said Argo.

The institutions are eliminated by the University of Arkansas system and the Department of University Department of Arkansas and the Arkansas department, offer the new degrees from autumn.

Also on Wednesday, the student of cyber security, Susy Rios, was recognized in the spotlight of the students. As soon as she graduated this spring, she hopes to be one of the first students to register for the new UAM program.

Rios said she was enthusiastic about this new transfer.

“I think this new program will help me because the technology, especially cyber security, always went to certificates and testing of your knowledge. If you have a program like a bachelor's degree, you not only test certificates, but also receive the skills that are necessary for working in a company and with other specialists,” said Rios in the publication.

“I look forward to the opportunity to emphasize Susy. She is a first generation student, the first in her family to go to college.

Rios gains “real experience” and ends their classes about the NPC internship program and works as an intern for the Department of Computer Resources.

“We appreciate the opportunity to offer the students practical training in our department. One of our latest employees began as an intern and was hired full -time after the end,” said Blake Butler, Chief Information Officer from NPC, in the publication.

“I am Dr. Argo and his team grateful for the further development of the relationship with UAM in order to promote this new Bachelor path. The provision of this cybersecurity at NPC offers our students an affordable option in an attending sector with increasing demand for qualified employees,” said NPC President Wade Derden in the press release.

Several other programs were also approved on Wednesday, including a new scientist in MINT in chemistry and certificates about the fundamental data for marketing, retail management and marine engine maintenance.