
Topbuild Corp. (NYSE: BLD) has just published its overall annual profit: Here is what analysts think

The shareholders might have noticed this Topbuild Corp. (NYSE: BLD) Last week submitted his overall annual result. The early reaction was not positive, with the shares dropped by 5.6% to $ 304 last week. Overall, it was a credible result with a turnover of $ 5.3 billion and the statutory profit per share of $ 20.29, both correspond to the analyst estimates, which shows that TopBuild does in accordance with expectations. This is an important time for investors, since you can pursue the performance of a company in his report, see which experts are predicted for the next year and determine whether expectations change to the company. That is why we have collected the latest forecasts after the preservation to see which estimates are kept for next year.

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NYSE: Building result and sales growth February 28, 2025

According to the result report of last week, the nine analysts from Topbuild 2025 predict income of $ 5.34 billion, approximately the past 12 months. The profit from Pro share is expected to increase by 2.0% to $ 21.87. However, the analysts were expected to turn $ 5.47 billion and profit per share of 22.76 US dollars before the latest income in 2025. It is quite clear that pessimism has imposed his head according to the last results, which led to a weaker income prospects and a small slump in income per share.

The analysts did not make any significant changes to their price target of $ 405, which indicates that the downgrades will not affect the assessment of the top building in the long term. However, there is another way to think about price goals, and this is supposed to organize the price goals presented by analysts, since a wide range of estimates could indicate a diverse perspective of the possible results for the company. The most optimistic top building analyst has a price target of $ 470 per share, while the most pessimistic it estimates at 310 US dollars. Analysts definitely have different views of the business, but in our opinion the spread of estimates is not far enough to indicate that extreme results could wait for TopBuild shareholders.

If we look at the overall picture now, we can understand these forecasts to see how they compare themselves with both earlier performance and the industry growth estimates. It is fairly clear that the expectation that the top build's sales growth will be slowed down significantly, with the income of 0.2% on an annual basis by the end of 2025. This has been compared in the past five years with a historical growth rate of 17%. Compare this with other companies (with analyst forecasts) in the industry, of which overall is expected to record sales of 5.5% annually. So it is quite clear that sales growth is expected, but that the wider industry will also grow faster than top building.

The end result

The most important thing to take away is that the analysts estimated their income per share that, according to these results, a clear decline in mood is due. Unfortunately, they also downgraded their sales estimates, and our data indicate underperformance compared to the broader industry. Nevertheless, the result per share is more important for the internal value of the business. There was no real change in the consensus price, which indicates that the intrinsic value of the business with the latest estimates did not go through any significant changes.

According to this line of thought, we think that the long -term prospects of the business are much more relevant than the result of the next year. At the Simply Wall Street we have a wide range of analyst estimates for TopBuild by 2027, and you can see them free of charge on our platform.

It is also worth noting that we found 1 warning sign for Topbuild that they have to take into account.

The evaluation is complex, but we are here to simplify it.

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