
The fire in Beulah leaves the house, which is destroyed home after suspected controlled burning from See Harding

Beulah, Ala. (WTVM) – A fire in Beulah leaves a house by the lake. Firefighters say they were on site for over six hours.

“The house was a total loss when I got there,” said Blake Green, fire chief of Smith's station.

On Thursday morning, hot spots still smoldered after a fire unknown origin reduced a house on Lake Harding to a shell of his former gloss. Firefighters say it looks as if there is a brush fire or a controlled burn in the forest next to the house, which may have been somehow out of control and spread to the house by the lake.

“Suddenly I heard this enormous roar and I thought:” What is it? “Asked a resident of Lake Harding,” I turned and looked out of the window and it was only a flame column, how would I get out of the back of a jet or something. “

The fire protection and the fire brigade of Beulah were called to Lee Road 790 in a house fire late Wednesday afternoon. The fire chief of Smith's station, Blake Green, says when his crew arrived, burned more than just the house.

“You could say that the fire was burned through the forest, but that was from the house to the forest or vice versa,” remarked Chief Green.

Chief Green says there was a propane armor on the property near the house, but there was no signs of an explosion.

“When you get hot enough, give this security mechanism freely, take off the valve to relieve part of this pressure, and it is a very loud and characteristic sound when that happens,” he added.

Homeowner Gloria Cohen was not at home at the time of the fire. Officials say that nobody was injured and no other houses were damaged because of the fire … except for minor burns for the farm of a neighbor.

Chief Green says that there are certain steps in a controlled burn.

“I saw several times where people only turn their backs or go in or whatever the case may be,” said Chief Green. “We ask people when they carry out controlled burns, stay with them, do not leave it vacant.”

The homeowner and the fire brigade say that the exact cause of the fire is still undetermined and examined.