
The city approves the examination regulations with changes, waiting for the degrees | News

At its meeting on January 22, the city council unanimously voted for the conclusion of a new investigation regulations for the city, the procedures for the implementation of investigations by employees, board members and commission members as well as elected officials.

This regulation is approved by the StadtCharta section 3.11, in which “the city council is authorized to adopt regulations with which the Council inquires the official implementation of a department, an office, an agency or an employee of the city.”

The point was initially introduced to examine the council at the city council meeting of the city council of council members Wade Ashley and Amanda Young, who designed and submitted the first version of the document.

At the following session, the Council discussed a wording, decisions about the role of the council and the chair and the need for investigators from third -party providers within the regulation. They received advice from prosecutor Marianne Banks during the Redlining process.

The Council approved the Ordinance after the discussion and was now waiting for the formal version that the mayor is expected in the coming weeks. Follow The independent Further information on this developing history.