
California closes the data broker that has not registered

The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) announced on Thursday that a database must close its business for three years because it does not comply with the state's deletion law, according to which certain brokers have to register with the state.

The demand that the company, the background alarm closes its doors so as not to register, is unprecedented. Background alarm based in California approved the comparison conditions.

The background alarm is based on billions of public records to develop and sell individual profiles on its website, and attracts conclusions to identify people who can “somehow be associated with the person searched,” said the CPPA and cited background alarm.

The company's marketing materials states: “It is scary how much information you can dig through someone.”

There is also advertised that it is looking for “alarming patterns” to draw conclusions that are particularly invasive, according to CPPA.

Background alarm did not answer a request for comment.

“Apparently harmless data points can be exploited in combination with other data points to close high personal characteristics about people,” said CPPA in his order, in which the case is defined. “Consumers can be identified, re -identified and profiled.”

According to CPPA, conclusions can be used to identify immigrants, veterans and patients in the reproductive health clinics.

The state has recently excited data brokers who have not registered.

The deletion law obliges data brokers to register with the state annually and pay a fee. These fees finance the construction of a tool that consumers, according to the CPPA, can force all brokers to delete their personal data by printing a button.

“California, together with states such as Texas, has primarily in the data broker industry and has tackled its countless damage to the privacy, security and security of people,” said Justin Sherman, a data broker expert for data brokers and scholarship holder in the electronic data protection information center.

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