
Jind Cop 'Hits' Class-Xii boys with baseball bats, video circuit

Jind: A police officer in Haryana's district Jind allegedly attacked two students after a small car accident.
The students, both from the village of Badhana, returned the class XII board home from their exams on Thursday when the officer reports on their vehicle and fled out of the scene. When the students persecuted him, he stopped near his house in Kaushik Nagar, dragged her out of her car and beat her with a baseball bat that shows the film material.
The three-minute video, which is widespread on social media and daily, denounced the “police hooliganism”, shows that the officer beats and beats the pupils while spectators, including his daughter, tried to intervene. Despite her efforts, the official continued the attack. The authorities have confirmed that the official is attached to the India Reserve Battalion (IRB) and is used in Jind for local election tasks. His house is also in this city. The police claimed to investigate the incident and promised to take appropriate measures.
MSID :: 118629381 413 |