
“Grind a smile to the children” at Siu Carbondale

Carbondale, Ill. (KFVS) – Students in the dental hygiene program from Siu Carbondale gave local children a smile with free dental care.

“Give the children a smile” offers children between 1 and 16 years of free cleaning agents and other dental care.

These exams meet the condition of the necessary dental examination of Illinois.

The event is an opportunity for the program to support the community and a real learning experience for the students.

“I personally love it because we can help in the community, and that's why it's really nice,” said Paulina Reynseo, senior dental student.

“It means a lot to us just because we can reach a lot of parishioners,” said senior dental student Paola Garcia.

“I really found that I like to work with children. It was something that I won from it and can simply give it back,” said Abbey Sodergren, Senior Dental Student.

The next event will take place on April 25th at the Special Olympics Special Smiles in Mistress.