
Archbald Women posted a video of the bound 4-year-olds to Facebook Scranton Times-Tribune

Archbald-Zwei women's women are charged with endangering crime after a video of a 4-year-old with a band in social media was published, the police said.

Letticia Lopez, 53, and Angelique Lopez, 31, both from 412 Church St., is charged, including the endangerment of a child's well -being.

After the criminal complaint:

On February 14, the Archbald police received a report on a child bound with a band and rope with a covered mouth.

Officials received a video of a 4-year-old child who held back, screamed and tried to free themselves.

The child was with a clear packing tape and braided rope around his legs and a retention rope that held his hands behind his back.

Two adults could be heard laughter when they recorded the incident on video, one of which sounded like a female voice, the police said.

The woman who reported the incident of the police said that Leticia Lopez often has a pink pistol, although it was forbidden to own a firearm.

The officials confirmed that Lopez had a drug pollution from 2004 that would prevent them from having a weapon legally.

The officials reacted to the residence and spoke to Jose Gonzalez, who told them that Lopez was not at home, but had the child with him.

Gonzalez said he would call Lopez and let her bring the child home.

Lopez returned and told the officer that the video was absorbed by her daughter Angelique Lopez as a joke. She told the officials that the video was recorded two years earlier.

Officers found packing tape and nylons rope in the house, which matched the color and style of the elements used in the video. Officers also took photos of the couch pillow and couch, which also corresponded to the one that appeared in the video.

The police tried to talk to Angelique Lopez about the incident, but did not answer.

Her wife, Emily Lopez, told the official Angelique Lopez, was not involved in the incident and would not speak to the police without a lawyer.

On February 19, the officials received an e -mail from lawyer George Gretz about the video, which seemed to be sent on August 17, 2023 by “Lop Angelique”.

Leticia Lopez is also faced with a crime due to illegal reluctance of a child.

Both women have defined preliminary hearings for March 10 in front of the district judge Joanne Corbett.

Originally published: