
Signation day for the seniors of the high school, the planning to become a teacher

Jennings, La. (KPLC) – The seniors of the high school commit themselves to Colleges in the region to pursue a career in education.

“You don't really see to sign days for teachers, you only see it if you want to play a sport for athletics,” says Lanie Hall, senior citizen at the Welsh High School.

Hall was one of many students from the community of Jeff Davis, who had signed the providers to become a teacher.

Hall says that she was enthusiastic about continuing the heritage of the teachers who inspired her.

“When I see all the teachers I have had in recent years and how much they have changed my life, and in the future I just want to do the same for children,” says Hall.

Many of these students will go to the local universities on the way and were discussed by current teachers to Jeff Davis Parish Schools like Aaron Beaubouef.

“My best advice for young, aspiring educators is not to worry about what they do not know and they will not be ready, and that is okay as long as they have a passion for teaching and learning and learning and for children, they will be okay,” says Beaubouef.

Betaubouef In addition to Gabrielle Thibodeaux and Kimberly Harris, the pastor of the year was selected.

Both Thibodeaux and Harris visited Jeff Davis Schools as they grew up and shared the feelings in the schools they raised.

“It is commonplace, we produce non -profit service and are a good light so that we are effective models for our children,” says Harris.

“The people in the area influenced me and I wanted to return to Jeff Davis Parish in order to have these effects on the students,” says Thibodeaux.

And now Hall will take the same steps.

“Hopefully one day I will return to Welsh elementary,” says Hall.

The Mcneese State University and Sowela were present.

The students begin their post -secondary training in autumn.