
Couple creates gofundme to help the family of the Valley Station DMV victim

Louisville, Ky. (Wave) – A couple in Louisville occurs to help a man mourning. His wife was one of the three people who were shot on Friday, February 21, in the driver's license office of the Valley Station driver's license.

Raysa Pacios Valdes was shot while waiting outside the regional driving license office in the Valley station. She leaves her husband Abel de la Cruz and two boys aged seven and two years. While he still doesn't feel comfortable, De La Cruz gave his colleague and friend Sean Dickson and his partner Katherine Simonton his blessing to speak in the name of the family.

Dickson lively remembers what he felt when he found out that Pacios Valdes was one of the victims of the shootout.

“My heart fell and I had a pit in my stomach,” he recalled.

Dickson had only interacted with Pacios Valdes a few times, but he is a colleague and is a friend of De la Cruz, the victim's husband.

“Abel never misses the work,” he emphasized. “He is always here and always works hard. I see him bright and early every morning. “

Dickson's partner, Katherine Simonton, said that Pacios Valdes was a goal in the DMV as part of the process of becoming a citizen in the United States.

“We already know that this process can be absolutely exhausting,” she added. “It can take years and years. There are so many different things you have to go through to do that, and so that she is there with this purpose and her life takes away so tragically from her, it is just terrible. “

The husband of Pacios Valdes, de la Cruz, is now found as a single father who raises two young boys. That is why Dickson and Simonton created a gofundme to collect money to help him and his family get to get to his feet.

“We understand if something that happens to this devastation of a family paralyzes,” said Dickson. “So we knew that something like this would help and which scale there is, you know, everything helps.”

Simonton hopes that the scope of the tragedy will encourage people to donate everything they can.

“We were all in the DMV, we all renewed our license,” she emphasized. “I don't think one of us is in line in the DMV and thinks that something so terrible could happen in blinking an eye.”

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