
According to Sergey Brin, the “Sweet Spot” is 60 hours a week in the KI employee from Google's KI employee from Google and the Bloy minimum can be demoralized

  • In an internal memo to employees who work on GeminiSergey Brin recommended that they are at least every weekday in the office and said that 60 hours was the “Sweet Spot” for productivity, according to the New York Times. He added that the competition for the development of artificial general intelligence had increased, but his conviction claimed that Google has the front when the company can “turbolading”.

Sergey Brin believes that Google can win the race for artificial general intelligence and outline his ideas for how to do this -including a working week that is 50% longer than the standard -40 hours.

In an internal memo from the New York TimesThe Google co -founder informed the employees who work on Gemini who develops the company's AI products to recommend being in the office at least every weekday and that “60 hours a week of the Sweet of Productivity”.

He also warned against working for more than 60 hours a week and said it could lead to burnout while he called those who work less.

“A number of people work less than 60 hours and a small number has reached the minimum minimum point,” Brin wrote on Wednesday. “This last group is not only unproductive, but can also be very demoralizing for everyone else.”

A source near the matter refused to make a comment, but the Just The Memo did not signal a departure from the official guideline of the Tech giant, in which the employees can work in the office at least three days a week.

Brin's admonitions underline the urgency of developing artificial general intelligence or agi that is AI that is as smart as or smarter than humans.

“The competition has accelerated immensely and the last race to Agi is in progress,” he said in the memo. “I think we all have the ingredients to win this race, but we have to load our efforts Turbo.”

Brin added that the Gemini employees can increase their coding efficiency by using the company's own AI technology.

The memo is the latest indication of its shift to a more practical role. In 2019, Brin and co -founder of Google, Larry Page, resigned from her daily executive tasks at the parent company Alphabet.

But Openai's publication of Chatgpt at the end of 2022 – and the rush of the Tech sector on generative AI, which followed – Brin inspired Brin to get back into the mix. Since his return, Brin has spent a lot of time in the Deepmind AI Division of Google Just.

Last year he admitted that he “somehow came out of retirement just because the AI ​​trajectory is so exciting”. This also coincided with some top -class gaffes in Gemini's AI, including an image generator that produced different Nazis racistically.