
The man from the middle state, which was arrested according to the threat of mass violence, released on a low binding

Disruptive social media contributions were published by a man in the middle state who threatened mass violence.

After several disputes with the law, Joshua Holly was arrested again, but court documents show that he is free of charge without conditions.

This happened after publishing a flood of violent news on his Facebook and threatened to kill a number of people, which was widespread.

Josh Holly had a number of threats on Facebook, a contribution that partly “I will cause a huge tragedy. Death counts up.”

But it doesn't stop here.

He also wrote: “I hate women with a burning passion … That's why all women deserve SA (sexual assault).”

Eric Axle told Fox 17 News that he had followed Holly on Facebook and the posts have been taking place for months.

With the latest concerns.

“It is always scary when someone posts such things and things, they will basically hurt other people for no reason,” said Axle.

Metro's police said Josh Holly was arrested in Cheatham County on Sunday for this post.

The police report said Holly told the officials: “He would not do anything” and “just wanted to scare someone”.

So he was charged with false emergency reporting.

Many thought that he should have been subjected to harder charges … especially with a criminal history.

But fear is still real for Nasvillians. How can you be sure that Holly will not react to it?

“People are crazy, so you never know what is talking about or what more than talking,” said Holly.

The threat was serious enough to arrest Holly, but not seriously enough to keep him in prison.

For $ 500, he managed to go free.

“That is far too low,” he said.

The annoying contribution also made the round of music groups like Nashville EDM.

People who plan to go to Pinnaces First Edm show with thousands of people.

Trent Hanner will go to the Deadmau5 set next weekend.

“Oh, it's very worrying,” he said.

Holly's next court date will take place on March 21st.

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