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The mirror provided the Central Pa. Humane Society, the recipient of the Sharing program from 2024, presented a check last week. Participation (from left) Altoona Mirror -Verlag Dan Slep, Executive Director of the Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation, Jodi Cessna, Operations Director Casey Brennan, and your dog Aston and Shelter Manager Dylan Kotrick. Mirror photo by Patrick Waksmunski

The annual mirror season of the Sharing campaign achieved a record-breaking total number of $ 74,244 to benefit the animals of the Central Pa Humane Society. Since its foundation in 2005, the campaign has collected 415 US dollars, 849, and 20 organizations benefited.

“This is amazing,” said Casey Brennan, director of the Shelter Operations operations. “It's crazy. I never expected me to literally goose. “

You and the Shelter Manager Dylan Kotrick were presented on Tuesday by the Mirror -Verlag Dan Slep and Jodi Cessna, Executive Director of the Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation, with a check that collects the donations and managed the fund.

“We threw it out of the park,” said Slep. “It is incredible to support the community. We are amazed at the support of the support. “

The support included a donation of 25,000 US dollars anonymously, said Cessna. A total of 411 inhabitants contributed to the donation effort, the average donation was $ 93.

“The majority of the donations were not major donations, but they are all wonderful donations. Some gave $ 5 and it went on. We had around $ 1,000 donations and 5,000 US dollars donations, ”she said, emphasizing how every donation makes a difference.

Previously, the highest surviving total surviving in 2020 -around 60,000 US dollars for the Altoona Food Bank -was increased, a campaign that also received a single anonymous donation of $ 25,000.

Cessna performed the support of the support of the no-kill accommodation how important dogs and cats in our life are.

“I think that there are so many memories to have a pet that these hearts touched in a very special way,” said Cessna, adding that the supporters understand that the animals are no longer to blame for their circumstances.

Human Society officers said the funds collected will help you to ensure urgently needed veterinary care. The annual costs for medical care is $ 400,000 annually and include vaccinations, microchips and medication. The money collected also helps with necessities such as cat litter and special toys that help the spirit of the animals to remain stimulated and reduce the stress associated with the cage. As an example of the effects of the donations, Brennan said that around 550 animals could be neutered/neutered.

The shelter also collects money for a new building, so that some of the donations can be used for it

The original building of the animal shelter founded in 1894 in 1837 Pleasant Valley BLVD. was built in the 1920s. It was plagued by Dalklecks and outdated, inefficient ovens, officers said before. In addition, the animal shelter looks like other increasing maintenance and care costs as well as the increasing demand for pets, found by owners, found as a stray or neglected under the cords of pets. The constant demand exceeds the physical capacity of the shelter. The animal shelter collects the donations for a new building to increase its capacity and modernize the infrastructure – with an estimated price of 3.5 million dollars.

Brennan said large purchases for the shelter – the over 500 US dollars – are subject to approval by the director of the animal shelter, which consists of volunteers.

Mirror Staff Writer Patt Keith is under 814-949-7030.