
Passenger calls 911 after the victim after fatal shooting in Las Vegas in Las Vegas

Las Vegas, nev. (FOX5) – FOX5 received the 911 calls that reveal at the moment a woman was shot into her car with her passenger next to her.

The 29-year-old Hope Ritter was found on February 15 at around 2:34 a.m. near Fremont and Las Vegas Boulevard with several gunshot wounds on the head in her car, officials reported.

Fox5 later learned that Ritter was an employee at Atomic Liquors, only a few blocks away from her shot.

“She is my bartender,” the passenger told the 911 dispatcher. “I had a crush on her”, “

Hope knight.(Atomic liqueurs)

The police say she spoke to a friend in her car when two men passed and shot past them.

“I was listening to Clack Clack and hung,” he said.

After calling 911, when the police arrived on site, the passenger became more emotional.

“Oh my god, hope is no longer here and it is my fault because I wanted to bring her home. She made me home, ”he pressed.

The Las Vegas Metro police arrested Philip Strong (18) and Charles Wright, 20 on February 21.

The couple will appear in court on April 7th.