
Fire, which burned more than 700 acres on Fort Carson, now contained 100% | Military


According to Fort Carson spokeswoman Emily Peacock, the fire was 100% included from Thursday at 10:00 p.m.

A fire burned 776 tomorrow in the training area of ​​Fort Carson tomorrow at 1:40 p.m., said Peacock.

The crews continue to fight the fire that started on Monday afternoon. The fire was 90% from Tuesday afternoon, said Peacock.

Rauch can be visible in the area on Tuesday and Wednesday. Fort Carson officials said that no streets were closed, nobody had been displaced or injured, and no structures were evacuated or damaged.

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On Tuesday, too, the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team conducts its regular artillery training and expects that more noise and dust will generate in Fort Carson. The residents nearby will probably hear artillery this week until March 7th

Fort Carson said in a press release about training that they are open to the appearance of noise problems.

“We strive to reconcile our training requirements with regard to our neighboring communities,” it said.

Noise complaints should be directed to the Office for Public Affairs in Fort Carson at number 719-526-9849.

The Gazette reporter Mary Shinn contributed to this story.