
Fire in the oil fountain near sulfur plants injured workers, destroys 2 trucks

Fivecap officials have announced that the youngest Walk for heating event has achieved a total of $ 1,682.10. This year's event was successful thanks to all local support.

The fire of last week in a fountain near Shell Oil's Fisk Road Sulphur plant destroyed two trucks and injured an oil worker, said Manistee Township Firefighers.

The deputy fire chief Dennis Bjorkquist said that the Bronson production companies' employees carried out the routine maintenance on the fountain, which affects the pumping of hot oil in the well.

A sludge car was connected to the fountain and also to a trolley that heated the oil for pumping in the well. The fire apparently started, he said when the connection with the heating weighs broke.

Now in the Vogue Theater, “The River” is playing with Mel Gibson and Sissy Spacek. Times are Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

From 21 to May 22nd, Jaycees manistee settled as data for the annual white elephant sale when they recently met. The annual sale is the source of most of the Jaycees for their various civil projects, including First Street Beach.

The Manistee High School Band was the only band that received a first division of all four judges at the annual District One Band and Orchestra Festival in Ludington on Saturday.

For the first time, the MHS band received the highest possible total number of the credit points by earning A's in the 27 areas covered by the test.

The fruit breeders in this area organized the nursery association of Manistee-Benzie County yesterday in a meeting in Bear Lake. The organization was founded to improve the industry in this part of the area.

Compiled by Mark Fedder in the Manistee County Historical Museum