
5 tips for shabby savings, healthy life

In March 2025, the Z&N Farm in Bear Lake organizes some meetings with guided group meditations in a greenhouse.

Arielle Breen/Manistee News Advocate

February and March always feel like such a transitional period compared to the other months. The sunshine moves more often into the prediction, we hear increased bird calls and the air smells of the stubborn winter sharpness.

At this point, most people have about everything that has to do with winter, while the Oddballs, like me, still hold on to every snow slot that we can, because we never know when we will see it again.

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But as much as I enjoy the winter, the gardener only itches in me to get there in the ground. On the other hand, I never really stopped playing with plants and things. Here are some options for how I had fun lately when I saved money until I can start the real garden season.

Windows Greens

I have a few small tablets or yoghurt tanks.

The peas shoot, small salt injuries and the like are good in their containers with every window. Another method to track the root tips after cutting the root tips in a glass of water is another way to optimally use your food.

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If I feel really ambitious, I could also grow ginger in containers.

Only the small projects like this assure my brain that the real garden season actually comes.

Get into the greenhouse

It was a minute since most of us walked barefoot outside.

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I was thrilled when I saw that Z&N Farm organized a few sessions with guided groups in Bear Lake who had grounded mindfulness meditations in one of their greenhouses!

I was so tickled, a few meters of emerald rows of kale, my feet in the ground and the talented Nicole Mezeske, who walks the intimate group through a mindfulness meditation. We all took something else away from this experience and then shared our thoughts.

At first it may not be possible to save money by participating in an experience that costs $ 30 to $ 35, but I consider it to be in my mental, physical and spiritual health.

At the same time, they do exactly what all research results are healthy: social connection, the exit between plants and soil and mindfulness.

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The next meetings are planned on March 1 and March 6 for 1 p.m. Everyone interested should send an SMS 707-672-5118 to RSVP. Place is limited.

Arielle Breen and Hoxey The Husky will be shown a winter rafting in a stretch of the Pine River on January 19, 2025.
The Z&N Farm is located in 6 acres, which used to be a cherry garden that belonged to the grandfather of the owner Zac Mezeske.

Eat the chances, ends

I am firmly convinced that I have not wasted food.

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As a imaginative person, I never understood how some people cut off the stems from the broccoli and throw them. The seeds in a pepper are also eating for me. It is food for which you have paid for is also high in fiber and you just want to throw it away?

Cook it, fry it, compost it for the garden – throw everything else.

I love to put paprika seeds in a dish for additional texture. As for the broccoli stems, you can eat them with a little dip that is thinly cut into a salad or just alone. Most of the parts of the plants we buy can be eaten, even if this is not the most sought -after bits.

In a study from 2018 with the title

In a study from 2018 with the title “A review of mushrooms as a potential source for vitamin D” it says: “If fresh button mushrooms are deliberately exposed to midday bolts for 15 to 120 minutes (UTES), they generate considerable amounts of vitamin D2 …”

Arielle Breen/Manistee News Advocate

Mushrooms sunbathing

I like giving my mushrooms a little excursion. I give you vacation from the fridge on my windowsill on a sunny day!

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Anyone who wants a little additional vitamin D2 in their life can simply progress and bring the mushrooms into the sun a bit.

A study from 2018 entitled “A review of mushrooms as a potential source for vitamin D” showed that “vitamin D reinforced fungi contains high concentrations of vitamin D2, which is bioavailable and relatively stable during storage and cooking”.

“If fresh button mushrooms are deliberately exposed to midday bolts (utes) for 15–120 minutes, they generate considerable amounts of vitamin D2 …”, the study said partially.

The study finds that some larger commercial mushroom farms already expose fresh mushrooms of UV radiation before we buy them from the shop.

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A sneaky food that always tries to make me bad before I had enough time to finish is a bag of lemons.

Usually I only used a squeeze as a finish for dishes, in fresh juices or maybe some of your bowl into a smoothie.

Now I definitely use it as soon as I get them.

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In autumn I started making a slightly fermented apple drink – something like Kombucha. But then I was sucked in and added all sorts of delicacies such as cranberries, rosemary, ginger, honey and oranges to the mix. It tastes like a Pican Mocktail.

This led me to buy additional citrus fruits for some fermented lemonades in winter. I am also oven-dry lemon slices and oranges to store teas and soups. Apparently, adding citrus fruits to dishes with food such as spinach helps us to absorb more iron.

Arielle Breen is the deputy editor of the Manistee News Advocate and Benzie County Record Patriot. It can be reached at or left a message under 231-398-3109.

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Arielle Breen
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