
Oil leak in the Idaho breeder quickly contained | Spokane news

Orofino, Idaho – In the early Wednesday morning, the Clearwater Fish Hatchy employees discovered an oily shine in the fish races.

The affected area holds over 6 million young steel head and salmon molts, which are decisive for the future of Clearwater River Basin

Several breeders in the area, including Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries at the National Fish breeding, discovered the oil and started with the incident.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game identified the liquid as a hydraulic oil, which started from a hydropower generator of the Idaho Water Resource Board.

The leak was quickly stopped, released with an estimated 4.6 gallons oil.

Officials stated that the oil would not probably damage water life. Fischer along the east coast of the North Fork Clearwater from the Ahsahka Bridge is recommended to use caution due to slippery rocks.

The Chevron clarity involved does not expect to cause longer skin irritation.

According to the safety data, fishermen should wash the exposed skin with soap and water after contact.

Fish in the exposed area have been tested and are observed. No fish died in the consequences of the spill.